
Apr 1, 2024

When our family finally accepted that we had outgrown our first house and needed to make a change, I found myself dreading the process. Our real estate agent, Carson Gallagher, not only helped us negotiate a great sale and find a gorgeous new home full of possibilities at a terrific price, but he made the entire process comfortable and fun. With his easy-going nature, he listened to our desires and concerns, then he took that information and helped us make great decisions. He anticipated potential problems and had us completely prepared for each step in the sale of our old home and the purchase of our new one. We closed on our old house one week and closed on the new home the next, and we didn’t spend a single night without sleeping in our own beds. Thanks to Carson’s attention to detail, his great attitude and his constant availability, we actually enjoyed our home-selling and home-buying experience.
Categories Carson Gallagher