Austin Population & Price History
Austin has experienced consistent & explosive growth for 30+ years. Because of this consistent demand, our real estate market sees steady & healthy appreciation. The average annual appreciation for the MSA has been 5.3% for the past 25 years. Our population has doubled in the last 20 years from 1 to 2M and experts predict that our population will see 3M in 2030, 4M in 2040, & 5M in 2050.
Considering Buying a Duplex or Fourplex in Austin?
- Understand the Austin market & its appreciation potential.
- Navigate a 1031 Exchange (if applicable).
- Define your goals & understand the difference in cash flow vs appreciation in different sub-markets.
- Determine the fair market rental value of any property.
- Estimate repair costs for any property and potential repairs that are likely in the near future.
- We will set up detailed property searches in different Austin areas & neighborhoods.
- We will provide historical statistical data so that you can make an informed decision about any potential investment.
- We will provide you with historical population growth & estimated population projections for the Austin metropolitan area.
- We wil provide you with detailed economic data from the Austin Chamber of Commerce & respected local economists.
Considering Selling Your Investment Property?
- Provide a free Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) to determine an opinion of value.
- Navigate a 1031 Exchange (if applicable).
- Determine necessary repairs prior to the sale and provide an opinion of value as-is.
- Perform a site visit without disturbing any existing tenants.
- Provide market timing / seasonality data to help you determine your best sales strategy.
- Work with any existing tenants to determine the best showing strategy.
- Provide vendor referrals for make ready services.
- Implement our provend marketing strategy.
- Provide real time showing reports and feedback.
- Provide weekly progress reports.
Contact Us for a No Pressure Discussion About Duplexes & Fourplexes
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